Friday, February 17, 2006

Temeraire by Naomi Novik

The American title of this book is His Majesty's Dragon, but I think Temeraire is much better. I don't know why everyone thinks Americans are too stupid to understand the original titles of books, really I don't.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?
What is that, some book about existentialism? Too hard for us!
Northern Lights?
Sounds Canadian or something. We're Americans!

Whatever you call it, Temeraire is a really excellent debut novel that sort of combines Patrick O'Brian and Anne McCaffrey into something that ends up being more satisfying than either, a classic sea story (but with dragons instead of ships) that treats the dragons as completely normal and not fantastical. Great characters, great action, great plot. Plus, Novik has two sequels due out this spring, and the only thing better than a good book is a good book with two sequels!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hear hear! well said, m'gel!!! I haven't actually FINISHED temeraire... i set it down months ago. but i am determined to finish it before the sequel(s) come out.

6:24 PM  

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